Team members


Václav Snášel

Václav Snášel is a dean at the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. He is also a researcher and university professor. His research and development experience includes over 25 years in the Industry and Academia. He works in a multi-disciplinary environment involving artificial intelligence, multidimensional data indexing, conceptual lattice, information retrieval, semantic web, knowledge management, data compression, machine intelligence, neural network, web intelligence, data mining and applied to various real world problems.


Jan Platoš

Jan Platos is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science. He works in the area of Data Compression, Text Processing, and Data mining. His research is focused mainly in novel data compression algorithms, similarity measurement, data classification, data prediction, and novel data structures. He is also interested in parallelization and low-level optimization of algorithms.


Pavel Krömer

Pavel Krömer is an associate professor of Computer Science. Pavel was between 2005 and 2010 employed as a software specialist by a large software company. In 2010, he returned to academia as an assistant professor and junior researcher at the VSB. During 2014, he served as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Alberta, Canada. Upon returning, he gained the rank of associate professor and senior researcher. He is affiliated with VSB and IT4I and member of the IEEE.

Pavel’s areas of interest include computational intelligence, information retrieval, data mining, and parallel and distributed computing. He thought courses on information retrieval and java programming and nowadays guarantees and teaches courses on parallel computing.


Miloš Kudělka

Milos Kudelka works as an associate professor at CS Dept. of VSB - Technical University of Ostrava and also works as a senior researcher at the IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence at the VSB-TU Ostrava. His research and development experience includes over 20 years in the academia and industry. He works in a multi-disciplinary environment involving data mining and social network analysis concerning approaches appropriate to the analysis of big real-world data. He teaches subjects that are focused on methods of data analysis and, on software engineering disciplines such as object-oriented programming and development of information systems.


Petr Gajdoš

Petr Gajdos is a researcher at the Department of Computer Science of VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava. He works in the position of Assistant Professor. His research and development are aimed at the area of information retrieval, large-scaled data processing, parallel programming, and computer graphics. He participates in several running projects. He teaches subjects that are focused on methods of data analysis and visualization, and are closely related to utilization of modern multi-core hardware platforms.


Eliška Ochodková

Eliska Ochodkova is an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava. Her research background is in Network Science, Cryptography and Computer Security and partially in Robotics. She is teaching subjects belonging to the same areas; in addition she is teaching subjects related to programming languages or related to legal issues of computer security. She is also a deputy head of Department of Computer Science.


Michal Radecký

Michal Radecky is assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science. His work is focused on web technologies as well as Human-Computer Interaction domain. The Eye-tracking and Noninvasive Analysis of Brain Waves are important parts of his research, especially in case of application for behavior analysis of web users. He has been interested also in Software Process definition based on Petri Nets and UML in relation to Multi-Agent Systems. He teaches courses covering issues of internet technologies and web development.


Pavla Dráždilová

Pavla Drazdilova is assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at VSB-Technical University Ostrava. She dedicated to teaching in the field of Theoretical Computer Science (Mathematical Logic, Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science, Petri Nets, Mathematics for Knowledge Processing). Her research activities focuses on analysis of complex (mostly social) networks (communities detection using spectral graph theory, temporal centrality in dynamic networks). She is involved in the project for development of tools for data analysis in learning management system eLogika that is used at the Department of Computer Science for teaching Mathematical Logic.



Other staff members

  • Miroslav Vozňák
  • Ivan Zelinka
  • Pavel Brandstetter
  • Ajith Abraham
  • Jiří Dvorský
  • Stanislav Mišák
  • Dušan Húsek


Postdocs and research fellows

  • Sebastian Basterrech
  • Ladislav Zjavka
  • Tarek Gaber
  • Muhhamad Mustafa Fouad


Ph.D. Students

  • Petr Berek
  • Petr Buček
  • Pavel Dohnálek
  • Jan Janoušek
  • Tomáš Ježowicz
  • Tomáš Novosád
  • Jana Nowaková
  • Michal Prilepok
  • Hussein Soori
  • Michal Vašinek
  • Lukáš Zaorálek
  • Nour Oweis
  • Varun Kumar Ojha